Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Oh YAY! How exciting for me. I am super excited and honored to receive the Versatile Blogger award from Lesa at Home Frosting. Thank you Lesa. Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's so nice to know someone is seeing what I do and liking it! Much appreciated! =)

Per the instructions in receiving this award I now get to share 7 random things about ME with YOU. hmm...I'm pretty random. lol Those who know me well can attest. Are you ready to learn a little more about me?

1. I met my husband at a bar. (scandalous, tee hee)
2. I {LOVE} Dr. Pepper.
3. 3 is one of my favorite numbers.
4. I drop my son off at school in my sweats and cap. (ohhh...how embarrassing, lol)
5. I detest the color yellow. You can love it. I NEVER will. =)
6. I have a B.S. degree in Business Administration & Economics with a Management concentration. *mostly just BS* ;)
7. I rarely sleep.

There ya have it! I am soooo super interesting huh?? Hello? Are you still there? Stay with me?? Exhale, inhale and repeat. Ok, you're doing good! Keep it up!

And I don't know if Michell @ Girl In Air has received this award or not but she has done some amazing things. Michell was the first blogger to come to my mind when thinking about who to pass this on to. Way to go Michell. I love following your blog!

Check out what she did in her master bedroom using shutters purchased from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore here. {swoon}

(this photo belongs to Michell @ Girl In Air)

Thanks again Lesa for passing the versatile blogger award on to me!
And thanks for stopping by!

Have a great day!


  1. It could be worse, you could drop your kid off in house slippers. Oh wait, that was me!

    I can say it is a great conversation starter when you are a "new kid" umm mom on the block! hee hee

  2. You are welcome and much deserving of it!
